It's Been A While....

So I know that I haven't blogged in a while, and I'm going to be honest with you guys the past couple of months have been insanely shit. There's no point in beating around the bush & pretending everything had been okay when it hasn't. I'm not going to go into the whole ins & outs of things because honestly there's no point in bringing everybody else down. But I just felt the need to come on here & write.

Sometimes we go through hard times, it's absolutely horrible and it feels as though we will never get back to the place we were at. It feels like a downward spiral. One thing happens & it seems as though everything else starts happening as well & we can get ourselves into a dark place. We need to remember that it isn't going to always be like that. It's okay to fuck up, it's okay to feel sad once in a while, it's what we decide to do after that, and how we pick ourselves up. 

It's not the end of the world, even though at the time of whatever your going through might seem that way. We just need to surround ourselves with good things, good people & things that make us happy. 

I know this is probably one of the most weirdest posts anybody could ever potentially read, I just feel as though hopefully it will have relevance to some people, the way it has relevance for me.

Love Aimee

In Loving Memory Of Robert Jackson (12/03/1937-29/11/2016)
R.I.P Grandad You will be missed <3

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