Feeling Unwell

So it's that time of year when it starts to get a little colder & sometimes we can all feel a little under the weather. Unfortunately for me I've been suffering from a bit of a cold the past few days so I thought I'd share some tips & tricks on making yourself feel better!

1. Comfy clothes & lots of hot drinks
Now this might be an obvious one, but there's nothing better than getting all snuggled up in your cosiest pj's, slipper socks & dressing gowns! On top of this it's also really important to keep yourself hydrated when you're not feeling too good. So lots of water is especially good for you. I personally also like to drink green tea any day of the week, but especially when I'm ill, the reason for this is because it has lot's of health benefits & includes a high amount of antioxidants, which are great for you if your not feeling yourself.

2. Take a hot bath
 We all know colds can make you feel achy and a nice hot bubble bath can help to relieve those aches. Also the hot steam from the bath can actually help clear your sinuses especially if you're feeling all stuffy. I also like to take this time to do a face mask, as when I'm feeling unwell my skin shows it and gets especially dry!

3. Soup, Soup & More Soup

So I'm lucky enough that my boyfriend is a chef, and he was nice to come home on his lunch one day & make me the most amazing homemade butternut squash soup! We all know how much soup can make you feel warm & it's a really comforting food so here's the recipe Jordan made for me, I should note that even though I am not personally vegan this recipe is so everybody can enjoy it:

Butternut Squash Soup
(Serves 4)
1 Butternut Squash
2 Carrots
1 Onion
½ Leek
3 Cloves of Garlic
1 Sprig of Rosemary
1 Cube of Vegetable Stock

1. Peel & chop all of the vegetables into chunky pieces.
2. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil into a big pan.
3. fry off all of the vegetables including your rosemary for 2-3 minutes.
Add boiling water into the pan. (Just enough to cover the vegetables) & crumble over your stock cube.
4. Put onto a medium heat and leave for 40-45 minutes until the vegetables are soft.
5. Take off the heat.

6. Blend and season as to taste.

Follow Jordan on Instagram for more delicious recipes! You can do that here.

4. Above all RELAX
I know sometimes it can be hard, but at least once in our lives we have all overly worked ourselves and made ourselves feel worse in the process. So it's really important to rest our bodies. When I feel like this I like to curl up on the sofa with a nice warm blanket, with my puppy & cat & binge-watch whatever TV series I'm into at that moment in time. So turn your phones off, forget about all the emails & work you may or may not have to do & take sometime for you & make yourself feel better!

I hope this helps at least somebody!

What do you do when you're feeling under the weather? 

Love Aimee

P.S Zeta is my middle name.


  1. Such lovely tips! I feel unwell a lot and the little things can help so much, like when my partner changes and amuses our little boy for me, it's such a romantic gesture and means so much! :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram - tempting Too Faced Gingerbread giveaway!)

    1. Awhh thankyou! Sorry for such a late reply! I've had issues with my laptop & things lately. I'm so greatful though you're the first person who's left me a comment :)
      I'll follow you though no problem! xx


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